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- Publications collectives
- REALaw, 2020 - Stefano Dorigo, Mariolina Eliantonio and Rui Lanceiro (editors): The Principle of Mutual Recognition in European Administrative Law
- Italian Journal of Public Law, 2024 - Maurizia De Bellis (editor): Transnational administrative law and climate change in the age of the Green Deals
- Publication dans la Review of European Administrative Law d’un numéro spécial intitulé ‘Resistance to transplants in the European administrative space'
- Publications individuelles
- Jean-Bernard Auby
- Le droit administratif transnational : Un programme de réflexion. L’internationalisation du droit administratif, Philippe Cossalter et Gilles Guglielmi, (dirs.).
- Luis Arroyo-Jiménez
- Effective Judicial Protection and Mutual Recognition in the European Administrative Space
- Mutual Recognition in the Spanish Multi-level Administrative State
- Masks, gloves, exports licences and composite procedures: Implementing Regulation 2020/402 and the limelight of accountability (with Mariolina Eliantonio)
- Constitutional Empathy and Judicial Dialogue in the EU
- Émilie Chevalier
- The Notion of “Transnationality” in Administrative Law: Taxonomy and Judicial Review (with Olivier Dubos)
- L’exercice du droit au recours à l’épreuve de la complexité de l’espace administratif européen, RTDeur. Revue trimestrielle de droit européen, N° 1, 2022, p. 67
- Elisa D’Alterio
- Luca De Lucia
- One and Triune – Mutual Recognition and the Circulation of Goods in the EU
- Transnational Administrative Acts in EU Environmental Law. In: Research Handbook on EU Environmental. 101-115. Cheltenham Edward Elgar Publishing (with Maria Chiara Romano)
- Atto amministrativo transnazionale
- From Mutual Recognition To Eu Authorization: A Decline Of Transnational Administrative Acts?
- Conflict and Cooperation within European Composite Administration (Between Philia and Eris)
- Administrative Pluralism, Horizontal Cooperation and Transnational Administrative Acts
- Stefano Dorigo
- Olivier Dubos
- The Notion of “Transnationality” in Administrative Law: Taxonomy and Judicial Review (with Émilie Chevalier)
- Andrew Edgar
- Mariolina Eliantonio
- The Genetically Modified Organisms’ Regime: A Playground For Multi-Level Administration And A Nightmare For Effective Judicial Protection? (with Rui Lanceiro)
- Judicial and extra-judicial challenges in the EU multi- and cross-level administrative framework (with Nikos Vogiatzis)
- The principle of mutual recognition in EU administrative law: still alive and kicking? (with Rui Lanciero and Stefano Dorigo)
- Transnational Judicial Review in Horizontal Composite Procedures: Berlioz, Donnellan, and the Constitutional Law of the Union, European Papers (with Paolo Mazzotti)
- Masks, Gloves, Exports Licences and Composite Procedures: Implementing Regulation 2020/402 and the Limelight of Accountability (with Luis Arroyo-Jiménez)
- From integration to exclusion – EU composite administration and gaps in judicial accountability in the authorization of pharmaceuticals (with Sabrina Röttger-Wirtz)
- Networked enforcement in the Common Fisheries Policy through data sharing: is there room left for traditional accountability paradigms? (with Frederica Cacciatore)
- Information Exchange in European Administrative Law: A Threat to Effective Judicial Protection?
- Hidden’ vaccines in Italian plant: EU composite procedures and hidden accountability paths (with Sabrina Röttger-Wirtz)
- Vaccine trade wars and composite procedures: gibt es noch Richter in Berlin?
- Carlos Fernández de Casadevante Romaní
- Susana Galera
- Jakub Handrlica
- Simon Jolivet
- Mohamed Ismail
- Global Contract Law in the Middle East and North Africa – Public Law Constraints
- Globalization and New International Public Works Agreements in Developing Countries
- Public Private Partnership Contracts - The Middle East and North Africa
- International Investment Arbitration - Lessons from Developments in the Mena Region
- Innovation in Public Procurements in the Egyptian PPP Legislation (With reference to PPP Legislation in Dubai and Kuwait), in G. M. Racca et C. Yukon’s (dir.), Joint Public Procurement and Innovation, Bruylant, 2019.
- International Infrastructure Agreements and PPPs in Developing Countries: Substantive Principles, European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, Volume 6 (2011), Issue 3, Page 147 – 159.
- Legal Globalization and PPPs in Egypt, European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review, Volume 5 (2010), Issue 1, p. 14.
- Globalisation and the new contractual regime in international public works agreements in Egypt, International Construction Law Review, 2010.
- Jean-Bernard Auby
Mis à jour le 10 décembre 2024